Instagram automation: how to do it securely

How to optimize your Instagram automation safely?

Founded in 2010, Instagram was created simply to share photos.

But a decade later, it has become one of the largest social networks in the world, now counting more than 1 billion users; 500 million of whom log in every day.

And with 21 million French people using it every month, it’s clear that the platform is now very popular.

Thanks to this popularity, Instagram is no longer just for individuals – it has also captured the attention of brands and entrepreneurs, and helped create the influencer.

The latter have been attracted by the opportunity to promote their products and services, and create an engaged community that can become a new customer base.

Build your community and gain followers on Instagram: Automation

It takes work. You need to publish good quality content on a regular basis, which should be in line with your personal or corporate brand, and relevant to your target audience.

And that’s not all.

Interact to improve your engagement rate and gain followers on Instagram

You also need to interact with your followers, both current and potential, to get them to engage with your account and your content.

This is mainly done by giving likes, comments, and follows.

Optimize Instagram: take advantage of the Instagram algorithm to gain followers

As with other networks, this engagement results in your post and account being promoted by the algorithm, which leads to exponential growth in likes, comments, follows, etc.

However, this requires a lot of time to maintain regular interaction and continued growth.

The solution? Automating your actions on Instagram to gain followers

Since it takes so much time and effort, more and more businesses, entrepreneurs and influencers are turning to automating these activities on Instagram.

As a result, there are many automation tools and services for Instagram, each with their own pros and cons.

Some of them can even get you banned from the platform if they are too aggressive, and this automation on Instagram can be even riskier with regular updates to the rules of use.

So, account managers and influencers need to stay on top of any Instagram updates to continue to grow their accounts and optimize their Instagram automation safely.

The latest changes to the rules of use on Instagram

The main reason why social networks like Instagram are not fans of automation is the fact that their biggest source of revenue is advertising.

So in order for them to make more money, Instagram and other social networks want people to spend more time on their platforms looking at ads.

In order to limit automation, Instagram makes frequent updates to their user rules, which we’ll outline next.

Notification before you delete your Instagram account

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When users have violated one or more usage rules, Instagram sends them an alert to warn them that their account may be blocked or deleted.

Previously, the platform sent no notification before deleting an Instagram account.

The notification one receives today contains specific information about the rule violation and how to avoid having your Insta account deleted.

Restricting Instagram posts

Instagram Post Restrictions Another important change is the ever-changing post restrictions on Instagram.

This is of interest to us because influencers and Instagram managers use their Insta accounts to promote their products and/or services.

To give an example, Instagram no longer allows ads about cosmetic surgery or weight loss to be shown in order to protect the mental and physical health of users – unless the user’s age has been verified.

So for this reason, Instagram introduced a policy that requires age verification of users before showing them sensitive content.

Limiting the number of daily actions on Instagram

Unfortunately, Instagram does not release official statistics regarding the daily activity rate that is allowed on the platform.

However, it is clear that there are restrictions on the number of likes, comments, and follows one can make per day on Instagram.

As of June 2019, this number has been reduced. However, the exact number is still unknown.

How are Instagram limits calculated?

According to some avid Instagram users who have conducted tests, there are a few criteria that contribute to the calculation of the number of actions that are allowed:

  • The number of followers

  • The rate of engagement

  • The age of the account

  • The usual activity


To explain, accounts that are newer, for example existing for only a few months, will be more restricted than those that are more established.

For example, if you see the error message below, you have exceeded the maximum number of follows, likes, etc. for the day.

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But to grow your audience, you need to interact with others, so how do you do that in an elevated way without getting your Instagram account deleted?

How do you gain followers with automation without getting your Instagram account deleted?

One way to optimize your Insta account and gain followers is by using a dedicated Instagram automation service like InstaFrenchie.

But Instagram automation is not the same as buying thousands of followers in one click!

We need to manage to optimize the use of Instagram automation to keep doing it safely.

To learn more about how an Instagram automation service works, click here.



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